Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Path of Daggers, Crown of Swords

After the hurricane in 2005, a bunch of us moved to California for work and nicer weather. Path of Daggers, Crown of Swords was an attempt at forming a New Orleans band while we were out there. It lasted about six practices and zero shows over the span of five or six months before I ended up moving back to New Orleans. The folks involved were Jonathan (Ghostwood, Gathered Here, Structural Damage), James (Ghostwood, Structural Damage, the Picts, Ginger Quail), Bryan (Dear Diary, Chopsley, Eat a Bag of Dicks, Morality Dictates), Matt (An Arrow in Flight), and Dominic (Days to Streaks). Matt was going to move to third guitar and was talking to Jose Palefox (Baader Brains, Swing Kids, Struggle) about taking over on drums, but that never happened. These are the five songs we recorded in James' apartment before I moved back to NOLA.

Everyone Who Abandoned New Orleans is Dead
Not All Fascists Look Like Hitler (Some Look Like Me)
Punks Who Make Trouble and Commit Crimes
Freedom Under Capitalism
Reincarnating Axl Rose

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